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Kamal Titov
Kamal Titov

如何免费下载PT_Br v6.20,思科最强大的网络模拟器

Cisco Packet Trace PT_Br v6.20免费下载最强大的网络模拟器

Cisco Packet Trace PT_Br v6.20是一款免费的网络模拟器可以让你在虚拟的实验室中练习网络物联网和网络安全的技能无需任何硬件设备你可以使用Cisco Packet Trace PT_Br v6.20来构建简单或复杂的网络可视化网络的工作原理练习机架堆叠和布线的技巧以及集成物联网设备Python代码或网络自动化

Cisco Packet Trace PT_Br v6.20是思科网络学院直接提供的工具你只需要注册其中一个自学课程就可以下载最新版本的Cisco Packet Trace PT_Br v6.20这些课程包括

Cisco Packet Trace PT_Br v6.20


  • Getting Started with Cisco Packet Trace这是一个简短的入门课程展示了最新的Cisco Packet Trace用户界面

  • Exploring Networking with Cisco Packet Trace这是一个交互式的课程让你使用Cisco Packet Trace来设置管理和监控一个小型办公网络

  • Exploring Internet of Things with Cisco Packet Trace这是一个扩展你的Cisco Packet Trace技能的课程让你学习如何在Cisco Packet Trace中添加和配置物联网设备并创建你自己的智能家居网络

Cisco Packet Trace PT_Br v6.20还有一个活跃的社区你可以在其中与其他用户合作和竞争分享你的网络设计获取反馈和灵感以及与全球Facebook社区联系

如果你想学习思科网络技术或者想提高你的网络模拟能力那么不要错过这个免费下载的机会快来体验Cisco Packet Trace PT_Br v6.20吧


Cisco Packet Trace PT_Br v6.20: Free download of the most powerful network simulator

Cisco Packet Trace PT_Br v6.20 is a free network simulator that lets you practice networking, IoT, and cybersecurity skills in a virtual lab without any hardware devices. You can use Cisco Packet Trace PT_Br v6.20 to build simple or complex networks, visualize how a network works, practice rack, stack, and cabling skills, and integrate IoT devices, Python code, or network automation.

Cisco Packet Trace PT_Br v6.20 is a tool directly provided by the Cisco Networking Academy. You only need to register for one of the self-paced courses to download the latest version of Cisco Packet Trace PT_Br v6.20. These courses include:

  • Getting Started with Cisco Packet Trace: This is a short introductory course that showcases the latest Cisco Packet Trace user interface.

  • Exploring Networking with Cisco Packet Trace: This is an interactive course that lets you use Cisco Packet Trace to set up, manage, and monitor a small office network.

  • Exploring Internet of Things with Cisco Packet Trace: This is a course that expands your Cisco Packet Trace skills with Internet of Things (IoT). You will learn how to add and configure IoT devices in Cisco Packet Trace and create your own smart home network.

Cisco Packet Trace PT_Br v6.20 also has an active community where you can collaborate and compete with other users, share your network designs, get feedback and inspiration, and connect with the global Facebook community.

If you want to learn Cisco network technology, or want to improve your network simulation skills, don't miss this free download opportunity, come and experience Cisco Packet Trace PT_Br v6.20!)在本文中我们将介绍Cisco Packet Trace PT_Br v6.20的一些基本功能和操作方法帮助你快速上手这个强大的网络模拟器

如何下载和安装Cisco Packet Trace PT_Br v6.20

要下载和安装Cisco Packet Trace PT_Br v6.20你需要先注册思科网络学院的一个自学课程你可以选择以下任意一个课程

  • Getting Started with Cisco Packet Trace

  • Exploring Networking with Cisco Packet Trace

  • Exploring Internet of Things with Cisco Packet Trace

注册后你会收到一个电子邮件里面有Cisco Packet Trace PT_Br v6.20的下载链接和激活码点击下载链接选择适合你的操作系统的版本然后按照提示进行安装安装完成后打开Cisco Packet Trace PT_Br v6.20输入激活码就可以开始使用了


Cisco Packet Trace PT_Br v6.20提供了丰富的网络设备和终端设备你可以通过拖放的方式来创建你想要的网络拓扑你可以在左侧的设备栏中找到各种类型的设备例如路由器交换机服务器PC手机等你可以根据你的需求选择合适的设备并将它们拖放到中间的工作区中然后你可以使用右侧的连接栏中的线缆来连接不同的设备形成一个完整的网络




In this article, we will introduce some basic features and operation methods of Cisco Packet Trace PT_Br v6.20, to help you quickly get started with this powerful network simulator.

How to download and install Cisco Packet Trace PT_Br v6.20

To download and install Cisco Packet Trace PT_Br v6.20, you need to register for one of the self-paced courses from the Cisco Networking Academy. You can choose any of the following courses:

  • Getting Started with Cisco Packet Trace

  • Exploring Networking with Cisco Packet Trace

  • Exploring Internet of Things with Cisco Packet Trace

After registering, you will receive an email with the download link and activation code for Cisco Packet Trace PT_Br v6.20. Click on the download link, choose the version that suits your operating system, and follow the prompts to install. After installation, open Cisco Packet Trace PT_Br v6.20, enter the activation code, and you can start using it.



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